Saturday, September 30, 2006

VSTC/GTX Global.. caught in the scam again

Seems VSTC, under the tutelage of Edward Ovsenik, Mark Brecher, Peter Schriener, Ivan Ivanov (and maybe even David Hagen offshore in the Bahamas, or Howell Woltz sending out notes from Jail too) has been engaging in the same tactics that GTXC wasusing. From the "Ivestors" link on their own web site you go to (one of the things that all reputable companies use as their IR information, I say sarcastically). Check out the message today...

VSTC -- Vision Technology Corp.Com ($0.001) Primary Venue: Pink Sheets

Pink Sheets believes adequate current information must be publicly available during any period that the issuer or affiliates of the issuer are directly or indirectly engaged in promotional activities having the effect of encouraging trading of the issuer's securities in the OTC market. Pink Sheets has observed that such promotional activities are occurring for this security, but that adequate current information may not be available. Consequently, Pink Sheets has removed the quotes from this website until such information is made available by the issuer to the investing community. Investors are encouraged to use care and due diligence in their investment decisions, as companies that engage in promotional activities without supplying adequate current information are often the subject of fraudulent activity.

As documented here (most recently Sunday, September 17, 2006 "VSTC.. er GTX Global Is this the end?" and Thursday, September 21, 2006 "VSTC rises from the GTX Global Ashes... sorta") there continues to be...

  • No publicly available information on the company, executives, customers, partners or prospects
  • No information on any previously announced deals, plans or relationships (none of which was ever real)
  • No information on the technology, products or direction
  • No information on the new "finance team" (Monday, August 21, 2006 "VSTC New Finance "team" or Thursday, August 24, 2006 "VSTC New Finance Team: Part 2")
  • No information on the consultants hired (KA Parker (2 posts here on him) or Conrad Lysiak (2+ posts here)
  • No information on the latest "strategic acquisition" SQL Minds (Tuesday, August 22, 2006 "VSTC "Strategic Acquisition" )

VSTC is a scam, and the investment community is finally figuring this out. Now, when will the SEC and FBI do the same?

Monday, September 25, 2006

VSTC/GTX Global... it's up, it's down, it's back up

Looks like GTX Global is back in business. Could it be that some of the contact points for VSTC (as documented in the previous post) pointed to gtxglobal's server?

Or, could it be that (in the continuing pattern of incompetence) PR's pointed VSTC info to GTX Global? (

Or, could it be that since VSTC has no technology or products (or any employees, customers or anything else besides Ed's big ole butt in an office) that they need the "products" section of gtxglobal (nee Gatelinx) to tell the story? (

Or, could it be that even though they bought the "assets" of Vizual Corp. (in, as documented here, a strange twist of the buyer becoming the buyee) and though they list the VizTalk, VizLearn, etc., they haven't yet figured out how to get the flash demo's and product information onto the VSTC web site? (

Admittedly the web site's information is for products that never existed, but that has never stopped Hagen, Ovsenik, Brecher, Woltz (until he and his wife went to jail and are still there today), Schriener, et al., from pumping up this scam.

Look at the viztalk picture on the product page above. Notice anything interesting? Like, maybe, it's the same people and kluged up "images" of a working product from both the old Gatelinx "Communicator" as well as the GTX Global site (which was just a repurposed Gatelinx, with a global search/replace Gatelinx with GTX Global), and the GTXC/VSTC filings and press releases?

Vizual "VizTalk"

No, compare with the GTX Global "communicator" (this is the "enlarge" image, which is different from the image on their web site at

The image on the left (which is different from the image on the web page) is of the "avatar"

Now, compare that with the Gatelinx "Communicator" ... eerily similar, no? (compare the Gatelinx screen shot with the GTX Global one from the web page)

Now, compare these 3 to the screen shot of one of Gatelinx's partners, Promosoft. This was done with the SDK Gatelinx released that was documented in posts here (Wednesday, May 17, 2006 "GTXC GTX Global nee Gatelinx Time for a Re-cap") and released by GTXC as and Gatelinx as


Thursday, September 21, 2006

VSTC rises from the GTX Global Ashes... sorta

wow, a new web site is up (sorta).. even though it's not the one Edward Ovsenik, fearless leader, has on his linked-in page. (Remember, that was

First thing you notice is the "home page" has all the same repurposed Gatelinx stuff about being compatible with SIP and H.323. Ed wouldn't know a SIP unless it came from a glass. And since they have no employees, developers, etc., just more perpetual BS.

But what's really interesting is what's not on the site, and where the links and contact info go. No products or technology.. no surprising for those of us who know the story. There aint nothing there.

Although, it is interesting that a publicly traded company has nothing to talk about, and the "investor" link goes to

But what is truly disturbing, is the contact info.. "We thank you for your patience as we construct our new website. Please check back soon for content updates. For more information, please contact our specialist. " On the home page, Click on the link, hoping to find a "specialist" (in what I can only guess.. model trains? golf clubs? SEC violations? Jail house shower room etiquette?) and what do you get? E -mail directed to Hmmm.. wasn't GTX Global the OLD COMPANY? And, isnt the gtxglobal site dead and gone? Where does the contact go? hello? hello? anyone home? buehler? hello?

But wait, there's more. On the same home page, "For investor information please contact investor relations." Click on that link and.. voila.. you get e-mail to Edward Ovsenik. President... and no Investor Relations? What's next? CTO? Developer? Jail house lawyer? (my bet is on the last one) The e-mail address is hmmmm... info to IR info request to

But what's even more interesting is.. click on the link at the bottom of the page for "Should you have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies, please contact us." This pops up an e-mail to hmmmm... the "specialist" is the IR is Ed Ovsenik at, but the help is 3 different roles, 3 different domains for contact info.

Oh wait.. one more.. go to the "about us" page ( which doesn't have any of the "real" about us info... click on e-mail and.. voila' you get an e-mail to hmmmm... 4 different roles, 3 different domains to contact them.

Wait, go to the legal/privacy page ( and first notice the disturbing (perhaps I'm just being paranoid) legal info... "For Web site visitors who do not download software or establish accounts or otherwise identify themselves:If you do not sign on to our Web site, our Web server does not have access to personally identifiable information about you. It does not know your e-mail address unless you volunteer it.
Cookies We place cookies on all Web site visitor hard drives to collect aggregate information on the number of visitors to our site and the number of pages viewed.

Cookie information is used only by Vision Technology Corporation and is not provided to any other organization. It is used in aggregate for traffic analysis and to provide relevant information to our visitors. It is also used for Web site and system administration, including research and development, user analysis and business decision-making."

Scary, they be tracking those of us who are monitoring this scam and reporting it to the world and the SEC.

The only thing good about the new site, and kudos to you Ed (although I don't think you wrote it) is the tag line "Technology changes in the blink of an eye..." My view, is the only thing that changes is the look on your face when the cell mate named Snake or Bubba says you look good in those jeans. And Ed... Brecher, Ivan.. the whole lot of you scammers, will find out about that first hand soon enough.

Last little tidbit of analysis.. go to ... When you do the domain history look up... you get NOTHING. No history....

But, check out the IP look up for (The IP is And you get, hosted at that IP, 413 different web sites. These include such biggies as:

  • and more.

Man, these are the kinds of sites a technology leader like VSTC, er.. Gatelinx.. um.. GTX Global should be associated with and hosted on the same servers.

VSTC, no matter what the web site says... is a SCAM.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

VSTC.. er GTX Global Is this the end?

The death toll's ringing.. or is that just the sound of the GTX Global.. er the repurposed Gatelinx web site(s) going deaf to a "ping" to the site?

Maybe they didn't pay this bill (to Ivan Ivanov and his merry band of bulgarians) either. This means that the legacy of whatever the technology was is now truly dead and gone. is still "coming soon" and the "repurposing" of the Gatelinx info is apparently beyond the technical capacity of Ed Ovsenik and Mark Brecher. Ivan is out, he's gotten whatever money he's going to get and is worried more about being deported then looking to take the Gatelinx site and make it

The Gatelinx site...which has now been used by GTX Global, GTXC and even ole Ed "easy" Ovsenik on his linked-in page as the "Vision Technology Predecessor .. as well is now gone. How will the investment community respond? Is this a "no info has got to be good info" kind of thing?

Plus... No sign up at the new VSTC homestead. Nothing on the SQL Minds "acquisition" paying any dividends.. and still.. no employees, no customers/partners/revenue, more lawyers than even the guys now running this scam (7 lawyers), no technology, no prospects, nothing but SCAM

VSTC, now with no public access to anything.. IS A SCAM

Saturday, September 09, 2006

VSTC/GTXC, the network of pumpers and dumpers is lessened

lessened by one at least. We have to start somewhere if the government doesn't move fast enough...

On 9/9/06, Ex-GTX wrote:
THIS IS A SCAM, and unless you're part of the scam you should know this.'ve had a number of inclusions in your stockguru postings ( where not only can't you even get the name of the company right, but you just copy and paste info. Before you copy and paste the info on a stock, and tout it as "pick" some real research might be in order.

John Pentony to me

I appreciate the information. We cover about 400 symbols per day. this one will be on our do not cover list as of TUESDAY. Thanks, John

John Pentony PublisherStockGuru.comTalkingStocks.comPentony Enterprises, LLC4949 Hedgcoxe - Suite 280Plano, Texas 75024469-252-3031 - Office Direct 214-227-7515 - Fax214-975-1238 - EFax 469-877-6770 - Cell

Friday, September 01, 2006

VSTC founders..a look back

Annette Louise DeFusco, er Hagen... um.. whatever.. and her (now ex) husband David Allen Hagen Defusco... um... and many other names... started Gatelinx in 1998 after they served time in federal prison for bankruptcy fraud, mail fraud.. and probably just for being sleezy slimey scum bags too.

In case the above link doesn't work... David Hagen's federal inmate registry number is 18834-198

How they started Gatelinx has always been a different story. They invested in and worked for his brother, who then stiffed him out of his percentage. They bought a call center company, they started in Virginia. Lots of stories. Some of which might even have some truth in them.

Lookie here.. David and Annette, convicted felons... this is their personal financial statements. Thrown all over Southern Pines all of this info was what was being used to try and secure either (or both) funding with promissory notes to keep the SS Gatelinx afloat and as leverage for some of the pending purchases of both Gatelinx and DishTVNow (Note: some ofthe pending deals were for MILLIONS, but apparently not enough millions when compared to the scam they have ... so far... been able to pull off)

Notice how the empire that was "Gatelinx".. which was built upon PrimeTV, that became the hosue of cards DishTVNow, which became GTX Global, then GTXC, then VSTC... whatever the name, the whole thing was a Hagen/DeFusco/Hauge Family Trust scame... and was leveraged to the hilt. They lived large, bought cars, expensive wine, private planes and more.. then stiffed anyone who ever worked with or for them.

Notice that the projected revenue for DishTV was $35M. Their SEC filings relating to the GTXC (now VSTC) scam said $14M (and change)...and they sold it for $500K. Watch for documents from 2 different time periods that show the same numbers, meaning the whole thing was cooked and just had re-purposed (new dates) for the information that was used.

More info to come. But attention investors, ex-employees, partners, clients, vendors... these are the guys (David and Annette Hagen... and their kids too I suspect) who stole your money and now live in the Bahamas. BUT, their current "partners".. Ovsenik, Woltz, Brecher, Garth, Ivanov.... and others, are going to jail.