VSTC/GTX Global... it's up, it's down, it's back up
Looks like GTX Global is back in business. Could it be that some of the contact points for VSTC (as documented in the previous post) pointed to gtxglobal's server?
Or, could it be that (in the continuing pattern of incompetence) PR's pointed VSTC info to GTX Global? (http://www.localtechwire.com/article.cfm?u=14891)
Or, could it be that since VSTC has no technology or products (or any employees, customers or anything else besides Ed's big ole butt in an office) that they need the "products" section of gtxglobal (nee Gatelinx) to tell the story? (http://www.gtxc.org/default.asp?Dir=Products&PageView=ProductsOverview&Title=GTX%20Global%20-%20Products%20Overview)
Or, could it be that even though they bought the "assets" of Vizual Corp. (in, as documented here, a strange twist of the buyer becoming the buyee) and though they list the VizTalk, VizLearn, etc., they haven't yet figured out how to get the flash demo's and product information onto the VSTC web site? (http://www.vizualcom.com/viztalk.html)
Admittedly the vizualcom.com web site's information is for products that never existed, but that has never stopped Hagen, Ovsenik, Brecher, Woltz (until he and his wife went to jail and are still there today), Schriener, et al., from pumping up this scam.
Look at the viztalk picture on the product page above. Notice anything interesting? Like, maybe, it's the same people and kluged up "images" of a working product from both the old Gatelinx "Communicator" as well as the GTX Global site (which was just a repurposed Gatelinx, with a global search/replace Gatelinx with GTX Global), and the GTXC/VSTC filings and press releases?
Vizual "VizTalk"
No, compare with the GTX Global "communicator" (this is the "enlarge" image, which is different from the image on their web site at http://www.gtxc.org/default.asp?Dir=Products&PageView=GTXGlobalCommunicator&Title=GTX%20Global%20-%20GTX%20Global%20Communicator)
The image on the left (which is different from the image on the web page) is of the "avatar"
Now, compare that with the Gatelinx "Communicator" ... eerily similar, no? (compare the Gatelinx screen shot with the GTX Global one from the GTXglobal.net web page)
Now, compare these 3 to the screen shot of one of Gatelinx's partners, Promosoft. This was done with the SDK Gatelinx released that was documented in posts here (Wednesday, May 17, 2006 "GTXC GTX Global nee Gatelinx Time for a Re-cap") and released by GTXC as http://www.gtxglobal.net/default.asp?Dir=Press&PageView=PR-sdk&Title=GTXGlobal%20-%20Press%20Release and Gatelinx as http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2004_August_30/ai_n6172893![](http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3163/2585/320/Promosoft.jpg)
Looks like GTX Global is back in business. Could it be that some of the contact points for VSTC (as documented in the previous post) pointed to gtxglobal's server?
Or, could it be that (in the continuing pattern of incompetence) PR's pointed VSTC info to GTX Global? (http://www.localtechwire.com/article.cfm?u=14891)
Or, could it be that since VSTC has no technology or products (or any employees, customers or anything else besides Ed's big ole butt in an office) that they need the "products" section of gtxglobal (nee Gatelinx) to tell the story? (http://www.gtxc.org/default.asp?Dir=Products&PageView=ProductsOverview&Title=GTX%20Global%20-%20Products%20Overview)
Or, could it be that even though they bought the "assets" of Vizual Corp. (in, as documented here, a strange twist of the buyer becoming the buyee) and though they list the VizTalk, VizLearn, etc., they haven't yet figured out how to get the flash demo's and product information onto the VSTC web site? (http://www.vizualcom.com/viztalk.html)
Admittedly the vizualcom.com web site's information is for products that never existed, but that has never stopped Hagen, Ovsenik, Brecher, Woltz (until he and his wife went to jail and are still there today), Schriener, et al., from pumping up this scam.
Look at the viztalk picture on the product page above. Notice anything interesting? Like, maybe, it's the same people and kluged up "images" of a working product from both the old Gatelinx "Communicator" as well as the GTX Global site (which was just a repurposed Gatelinx, with a global search/replace Gatelinx with GTX Global), and the GTXC/VSTC filings and press releases?
Vizual "VizTalk"
No, compare with the GTX Global "communicator" (this is the "enlarge" image, which is different from the image on their web site at http://www.gtxc.org/default.asp?Dir=Products&PageView=GTXGlobalCommunicator&Title=GTX%20Global%20-%20GTX%20Global%20Communicator)
The image on the left (which is different from the image on the web page) is of the "avatar"
Now, compare that with the Gatelinx "Communicator" ... eerily similar, no? (compare the Gatelinx screen shot with the GTX Global one from the GTXglobal.net web page)
Now, compare these 3 to the screen shot of one of Gatelinx's partners, Promosoft. This was done with the SDK Gatelinx released that was documented in posts here (Wednesday, May 17, 2006 "GTXC GTX Global nee Gatelinx Time for a Re-cap") and released by GTXC as http://www.gtxglobal.net/default.asp?Dir=Press&PageView=PR-sdk&Title=GTXGlobal%20-%20Press%20Release and Gatelinx as http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2004_August_30/ai_n6172893
Yet another person linked to Gatelinx is going to jail (unrelated but it builds a character map for people around this thing).
David Brady busted for selling prescription drugs on the internet.
I gues visLtech.com is down too...
http://www.visltech.com/ returns the following (and all too strange message in German)
404 Datei nicht gefunden
Die angeforderte Datei oder Seite konnte leider nicht gefunden werden.
Möglicherweise handelt es sich um einen technisch bedingten Fehler. Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt noch einmal.
Wenn dieser Fehler wiederholt auftritt, befindet sich die angeforderte Datei oder Seite nicht mehr am gesuchten Ort.
of course Ed answered the phone DD, HE'S THE ONLY ONE THERE!
Look, motives are not the issue. Just because you may have a different perception of reality, does not change the reality.
One more time...
no employees.. which means, no one to fix the issue of...
no technology... which means they can't fix the issue of...
no products.. which means they can't fix the issue of...
no customers/partners/prospects... which means they can't fix the issue of...
no revenue.. which means they can't fix the issue of...
no chance to hire employees... and we start all over
sure.. they want to move away from GTX Global, which in turn was an attempt to move away from Gatelinx, which was an attempt to move away from PrimeTV...
They hope to move away from the Hagens, which was (in part) looking to move away from David Brady, which was originally looking to move away from the Hagen's again...
But the facts are the facts.. there is nothing here to base anything more than hope upon...
My personal take is Ed is so clueless he really thinks he's got something here. But, a well intentioned dolt is still a dolt. And just because speaks with you, and sounds like a PR "talking person" which means he's not really thinking, just regurgitating that which someone else wrote, and be clear, NOTHING has been written new since the Gatelinx days, just doesn't change the facts.
As I've said before I was on the development team at the old Gatelinx. If you go back and read my posts, you'll find a pretty clear description of a number of technical issues.
When I was laid-off in 2004, the current consensus was that we needed 6 months to a year of development and at least 2-3 more developers and a huge increase in QA workers to get the code production ready. There were issues with conferences not connecting, the application freezing, the installer not working correctly, scalability issues and that is off the top of my head after being away from development for almost 2 years.
By December of 2004 they had lost or laid off a significant portion of their staff. (The exact opposite of the direction that they needed to go.) Including all but one of the "Gang Of Four" that were in charge of designing, developing and documenting the application. Between 2004 and the end of 2005, the number of full time employees working on this project went to zero, without an apparent resolution on the number of technical issues. This last statement comes from the mouth of Chuck Manning who posted to this website not long ago with his side of how things fell apart. Chuck was the primary network developer as well as the last remaining member of the "Gang Of Four" left at the company that was Gatelinx. You should read his comments as he also paints a picture of how the current management operates...and it is not pretty. He even included his email address in the post. Perhaps you should email him and ask him what he thinks is going on.
There is no way the Communicator product will become market viable without a huge infusion of money, people and time. And that is just to get it to the level that was leader of the pack in 2004. Since then, Skype has entered the video conferencing market with an impressive product for Windows & Mac. (Communicator only ever ran on Windows.) While Skype still lacks some low-level features that we had designed into the system, it is not only serviceable but has the market might of EBay behind it.
So, even if they hired the people and had the money there is simply no way that this product could be anything but a minor player in the videoconferencing market.
It simply not going to happen, and it hurts me greatly to say that. In other posts I have talked about the sacrifices that I and others made for this product. All of us really believed that we were making something new and unique that could change the way the world worked.
But I am telling you (again) that the dream is over. All that is left is a bunch of people trying to take your money.
As for Ed: Ed was hired when Hagen was still in control of the company. He has, AFAIK no experience running an operation like this, and no technical background that would allow him to understand the issues with the software.
As I've said before, Ed is either in on the scam or he is unaware of the company's history and the accusations placed before it. Those are really the only two options considering when he was hired. In either case, is that someone you want to trust your money with?
I know you question the motives of the people here, and that is a good thing to do. However, I think you need to take a good hard look at why you have such faith in this company. For example, if this technology is so amazingly revolutionary and ready to ship, why don't they have more sales? Why aren't the major venture capitalists falling all overthemselves to invest in it? As a counter point, before Google even knew how it was going to make money, it had two of the most respected VC firms invest $25 Million. They had a product but no business plan.
Gatelinx claims they have both, but still the big VCs are staying away.... wonder why that is?
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe Ed is the savior of the Gatelinx legacy. (That is assuming that Hagen isn't pulling the strings from overseas.) But to date, I've not seen one iota of evidence to change my mind about the company.
Is there something wrong with your computer? Because ALL posts are up and ALL comments are up too. I'm neither short or long on this stock. Never have been.
Sadly, Due Diligence is only a name for you, because you bought into the story. My suggestion is you write to enforcement@sec.gov (as I have) and tell them your story.
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