Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Brecher Talks, Dominos start to fall

As part of the plea agreement (still sealed) Mark Brecher had to forfeit a large sum of cash. Not as big as David Hagen's, um, I mean Keri Keenan Hagen's cash, but still big enough to hurt. But, not big enough so that he couldn't WRITE A CHECK FOR THE FULL AMOUNT. 

$4.73 Million Dollars. 

Here are 3 documents detailing the forfeiture and subsequent payment. The first is a legal requirement, the next 2 detail the payments.

Brecher Forfeiture Notice

Brecher 1st Forfeiture

Brecher 2nd Forfeiture

This next document is VERY interesting. Based upon Brecher's help, the government is recommending a sentence reduction. He's pleaded out and will now serve 140 months for 2 consecutive sentences. 12 FUCKING YEARS. (If anyone thinks David is gonna get out before he is old, gray, a complete jail-house faggot, has grandchildren with Andrea and her 3 ex-husbands, and the new slimmer Derek after gastric bypass surgery, you're dreaming. David is gonna be in jail for a LONG LONG time)

But what's interesting can be found on page 2, at the bottom. "Brecher has provided information with regard to the Yadio merger that differs materially from certain documentation and the testimony of other witnesses.  However, the  Government is satisfied that these discrepancies are not due to an intentional effort on the part of Brecher to provide false or misleading information."

brecher 5k

Yes folks, more people on the radar. All the old yadio folks (detailed over and over here in the blog) are clearly sometime next too. And, Ed Ovsenik, who published all the knowingly false claims and filings, Curtis Garth who benefited from the "merger" with Yadio and Ivan "the real deal" Ivanov too. It ain't over. All of em are going down.