Monday, September 08, 2008

How come the other co-conspirators aren't rolled up yet?

Why not call or write and ask them?

Edward C. Ovsenik
10605 Old Pine Ct
Raleigh, North Carolina
(919) 847-8856

Ivan Ivanov
12918 Winget Rd
Charlotte, North Carolina
(704) 583-1555

Derek Hagen
211 Hillcrest Dr
Greensboro, North Carolina
(336) 373-6333

Curtis Garth is now a travel agent for "Living the Dream" Travel agency. Do you think he's scoping out his escape routes?

Long fall from CEO of GTX Global/VSTC and CEO of SMS Prayer to travel agent. Not so long a fall from car dealer though. More importantly, it won't be a long fall from travel agent to convicted felon.

Curtis Garth
12730 Cliffcreek Dr
Huntersville, North Carolina
(704) 948-6531
(704) 947-3819

David is rolling over on them now. Ivan cut a deal with Gretchen. Do it before they deport your butt back to Bulgaria.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just sad Richard isn't around....

7:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

was richard ever real?

8:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Richard ya big talking do nothing fag. Where are you now? Playing on your yacht? Or playing with yourself?

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a multitude of complex matters through ethical, client-focused problem solving. Broad experience in counseling, guiding, and negotiating desired solutions to diverse legal matters.

from ed's resume. "ethical" i don't thinks so. "guiding" people to jail...maybe...yest...that's it.

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, well, so again the saga takes another turn. I spoke with Ivanov's wife as Ivan wouldn't talk only to find that they feel that they are victims of the "Gang" also. The Vulgarians were real happy with the money and while it lasted they couldn't even prononce the word "victim" as well as now. I was...... nasally,
"(w)ictim"!! :)

PS: Have been on my yacht tho'! Little did we now that our humanitarian world cruise seeking the elusive "living afterbirth" would end in futile disappointment. And low and behold, I come back to the Blog and here you are! Jeez, and still typing! Think you might mutate a little futher still? Like into a caring Placenta? "Fag"? I could care less, but what about the thousands of others of which many check in to see what is going on? Can't you a be good little Placenta and leave your email or identify yourself?

Yes, I am still around and will be there when the gavel falls on Hagen and any other "Gang" member.

Richard Bennett MD PhD

BTW: GREAT quote from Ed's resume. Won't it be interesting when it comes to the "negotiating desired solutions to diverse legal matters" when applying it to his big fat self!! :)

6:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh look who's back. The POSER Richard, er DICK. SO you talked to Ivan's wife? BULLSHIT. You're a lying sack of afterbirth.

2:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Can't you a be good little Placenta and leave your email or identify yourself?"

You mean like the moderator of this blog? your idol in this realm, "exgtx", yeah, my name is "exgatelinx", or "exdishtvnow" or "exwhatever"..............

3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Did it again, The Hagenite's are abound with malice and lack of integrity. How would or could one have a lack of integrity tho'? Has to have it in the first place. Right?
Regardless,oh a big word for the "afterbirth" writer, it is Hagen "Gang" et al, who is/are going to do the 20 year "don't bend over for your soap in the showers" shuffle!!

And as the "POSER" has an Email address, where are you? Awwwww, pardon me, I know you are practicing picking up your soap skills!! Ha HA HA!!

Richard Bennett MD PhD

HET CARL!! How are yu doing? Just read some of the posts I missed and glad to see you still here and strong.


5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, to answer your question, Richard was never real.

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all, if anyone would like to get back their old email address just email the below. Thought it would be a fun little gesture.

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all, if anyone would like to get back their old email address just email the below. Thought it would be a fun little gesture.

Maybe I'm being paranoid, but given the history of the people involved, this seems fishy. There have been many attempts to try and find out who is posting here by various parties. Presumably, the gatelinx domain has expired and been bought by someone else. But who?

Looking at the ips, the actual "gatelinx" servers are hosted by Google. So that is a dead end, anybody can sign up and get google webhosting without making any information public.

The WhoIs entry shows that the registration has been protected by a service called, a company out of Arizona. This prevents us from finding out anymore about who owns the domain "".

The dns servers are hosted by Their website is inaccessible, but they are also out of arizona. The admisitrative contact is dns AT (remove spaces are replace AT with @ to email), this is the same admin contact as GoDaddy. The server name listed is JOMAX.NET.PLOWBOY.NET

[If I remember right, DomainsByProxy is either owned by or closely affiliated with GoDaddy.]

Looking at, we get a kind of ugly website with a bunch of random information listed. In that information is a link that says "contact plowboy" and that link points to this email address plowboyms AT (remove spaces and replace AT with @). The admin contact listed with WhoIS for this domain is Andy Nichols, with the same email address.

Not that any of this proves anything. I would imagine that domaincontrol is some kind of dns hosting service such as everydns, easydns, etc. So, there is probably little relation between these entities. All this really shows is that whoever is doing this wants to remain hidden.

Of course, they could want to remain hidden for any number of reasons. They could be Hagen allies trying to track down the employees that post here, or it could be an ex-employee trying to remain hidden.

Either way, my spidey sense is tingling.

If it is an ex-employee, I can only think of maybe two or three who would both think this was a cool thing to do AND be willing to go through the hoops to hide it this way. If its one of them, they should know who I am and can drop me a line if they want.


BTW, Richard: I'm doing ok. This summer has been very disruptive, with a number of personal issues that needed attending.


3:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carl, yes I am a former employee, and you know I always liked these puzzles. No malice thoughts on setting this up. Initially did it just for myself and then had a few friends want an address. Just sharing. You can contact me at my old Gatelinx email address (I no longer have any contact info you you, sorry... its been 3-4 years). Feel free to email me, I hope you are doing well these days.

Best Regards & Take Care

3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Sounds like someone I recall from the gatelinx days. I seem to remember having multiple conversations about typing speeds w/ you.


4:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So in the realm of all that matters, I have a new vested interest in all of this. Is Ms. Hagan/Defusco truly going away? Why isn't she listed in the address line up! Is there anyway to actually write privately to the individual who brilliantly started this blog?

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, it's me again who sent the last blog. I am new to the blogging thing. My apologies. I wasn't aware it went to you first. My email is hesitantly listed below. As most of this is on a personal level, mine is truly personal and involves some other people. Therefore the informatioon that you have provided has been really helpful. I look foward to hearing from you privately if possible. If not, please don't log my blog.

11:52 AM  

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